Friday, October 16, 2015

Great Basin National Park and Zion National Park

Lehman Cave at Great Basin

Lehman Cave at Great Basin

Lehman Cave at Great Basin

Big Horn Sheep Zion

Sondra enjoying Zion
Sondra at Weeping Rock in Zion
MA hiking "The Narrows" at Zion

Well, we certainly have been able to see two very different National Parks in the last few days. First we were at Great Basin, camping at a little town "Baker", maybe 50 people. No grocery store, no restaurants open, but a nice campground. A remarkable cave there, and some nice hiking at 10,000 feet. Poor Sondra could hardly breathe, but she didn't let that stop her, she kept at it and made it all the way on the three mile hike.
Then to Zion, a little different story. A resort type town, Springdale. Lots of people. lots of restaurants. Personally, I enjoy the less resort-like places, although Zion is unbelievably gorgeous. Somewhere everyone ought to see. We just happened to get here when the Utah schools were on fall break so there are people everywhere.  Terri, our friend from the Alaska caravan, met us here and MA and Terri were able to hike the Narrows. In case you have not heard about it, it is a hike through a stream between a more narrow part of the canyon, although, you can see from the picture it wasn't terribly narrow where we were.  Yes, my two sons, this is where the people were killed several weeks ago. However, there has not been any rain, and the water did not get higher than knee high.  Today and tomorrow, the area is having flash flood warnings, but not yesterday when we went. I never felt unsafe.  I am so glad that we were able to take the hike.  Today we hiked as well, but on dry ground, and I believe both Sondra and Terri are thrilled to have a day or two off from hiking, although there is a pretty good chance of rain the next few days.
Our goal is to see all five parks in Utah, and then Mesa Verde in Colorado. What we are finding, is that the cold weather is going to be very quickly upon us, and places are starting to close. We are not used to that being from Florida.  So after Mesa Verde, we will begin to head south to try to stay in warmer weather, We both think it would be disastrous to end up in snow and have to try to drive the motorhome in that.  


  1. Great pictures, thanks for sharing. I was wondering what you two were seeing in Utah. I haven't really looked at where all the National Parks are.

  2. Enjoying the pictures and comments. The two of you look like you're having a ton of fun. Just be safe; stay out of high water; and don't feed the bears (lol).

  3. Glad you were safe! Nice bumblebee outfit too
