Sunday, May 31, 2015

Rocky Mountain National Park

Yesterday we visited Rocky Mountain National Park.  The snow was crazy! Sondra had to get in the snow because she hadn't seen snow since the 1970s. What a road, Trail Ridge, the highest continuous road in the United States. We rode from east to west, and then back again, about 50  miles each way. Sondra white knuckled it in several places, but since I am such a good driver, no worries. The first  picture is from our campsite. The last picture is of the continental divide. The weather finally turned a little warmer, so we are glad of that. We have been most blessed to find a great church each Sunday, and today was no different with a challenge to our hearts. God is awesome, and we are so blessed to be able to experience first hand His handiwork. Pictures can not really describe how beautiful our country is.  Retirement is suiting both of us, and we haven't killed each other yet.
Today I about killed her though, because we had a five mile plus hike around Lake Estes, but I did let her get lunch in the middle of the hike.

Saturday, May 30, 2015


Had a great visit with Josh and crew. In the picture is Josh and his sweetheart, Mandy, the old lady, and Molly. I love these kids, we had a lot of laughs and a good time. never enough time with them. We went yesterday to get a few minor things fixed in the motorhome. The people at Discount RV in Longmont were beyond nice and helpful. They had everything fixed in half an hour. We moved from one cold place in Colorado to another, but the sun is shining and we are going to visit Rocky Mountain National park today. The scenery is breathtaking.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


We are in Colorado for a few days visiting my son Josh. It is very cold here. We went on a very difficult hike today. We are hoping that we can walk tomorrow. We even drove through snow getting to our hike today!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Sondra Hiking

Well, I don't know if it was because we were in her home state, or why, but Sondra did a lot of hiking at the lake of the Ozarks. We went to Ha Ha Tonka state park, which was gorgeous. The name means laughing water. We did quite a bit of hiking, I am pointing out our map. Then we went to the booming town and bought some fudge. See all the weight we have gained. Last night we went to a 60s, 70s and 80s show which was excellently done. The tickets were $20 and was as good as any 80 show I have been to.  We move on tomorrow, passing through the long state of Kansas before we go to see my son Josh for a few days. Weather is cool, but we are adjusting.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Missouri - Sondra's Home State

We have been in Missouri a few days. Sunday we had lunch with Sondra's cousin, Mike and his wife Liz. Those in Sunday Bible study will remember we prayed for him last year as he had very serious surgery and rehab. He is looking good and doing well. Yesterday, we went to the top of the arch. I had never been there and was very impressed. Busch stadium is something else as well. While I am not specifically a cardinal fan, the stadium is awesome.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Today we did not travel that many miles but we went through 4 states; Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois and Missouri. We will be in sondra's home state for a few days bringing back childhood memories for her.

Friday, May 15, 2015


I loved Nashville. We toured the Country Music Hall of Fame and went to a concert at the Ryman Theater featuring The Gatlin Brothers and the Oak Ridge Boys. What a fun concert. We walked and walked. We have had great weather, but I am afraid it is about to come to an end. Will be entering rain and tornado alley soon.  Also for Katherine, my wonderful daughter in law, we went to American Pickers, Antique Archaeology.

Monday, May 11, 2015

The Mountain

I (MA) conquered the mountain. The mountain conquered Sondra.  The laser show was exceptional.  Amazing what some creative geniuses can do. We have had a great visit here, but warm. We aren't complaining because neither one of us are having to get up and go to work, and we are not in the middle of all those storms. God certainly has created an amazing world to enjoy.

The second picture shows how big the mouth is of the horse on the side of the mountain. no, I didn't climb to the face of the mountain and crawl in. That was a life size replica in the museum! Sondra is just pretending in her picture. That's her showing of all her hard work after riding up in the skylift!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Where are we?

I am going to post a few pictures and you can guess where we are

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

This is us at Mrs. Wilkes in Savannah with our new friend Colleen.  She is from Long Island.  For those of you who have never heard of Mrs. Wilkes, it is a restaurant where they set 10 at a table and  serve good ole Southern cooking family style. It was wonderful and we ate way too much.  We both loved Savannah.  It really has southern charm.  We are going to scoot out of here tomorrow because we do not want to take any chances with a potental storm out there off Carolina coast.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Sondra wanted me to post these pictures. The first is us waiting for the carriage ride in Charleston. It was a great tour.  We took the tour, did a little shopping and ate at a great place called Fleet Landing. I had the South Carolina famous dish of shrimp and grits, It was delicious. Sondra went for more conservative fried fish. I am not too sure about the second picture. Sondra just wanted to see the back of a mule? Weather has been great. We are having a great time.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Palatka Family

This is MA's Palatka family. We got to see the play Beauty and the Beast which my brother directed and Jacob and Elisabeth were in. It was great. Also great to see the family that I don't get to see too often.

Sunday, May 3, 2015


There have been some that have asked if Sondra is still alive.  Yes, she is.  I am including a picture to show that she really does know how to relax.  We are between Savannah and Charleston. Finally out of Florida.  We are keeping an eye on the low pressure off the coast, because we are out of here if it comes close. Don't need rain and more rain in our motorhome when there are places to go that we could be dry.