Sunday, May 31, 2015

Rocky Mountain National Park

Yesterday we visited Rocky Mountain National Park.  The snow was crazy! Sondra had to get in the snow because she hadn't seen snow since the 1970s. What a road, Trail Ridge, the highest continuous road in the United States. We rode from east to west, and then back again, about 50  miles each way. Sondra white knuckled it in several places, but since I am such a good driver, no worries. The first  picture is from our campsite. The last picture is of the continental divide. The weather finally turned a little warmer, so we are glad of that. We have been most blessed to find a great church each Sunday, and today was no different with a challenge to our hearts. God is awesome, and we are so blessed to be able to experience first hand His handiwork. Pictures can not really describe how beautiful our country is.  Retirement is suiting both of us, and we haven't killed each other yet.
Today I about killed her though, because we had a five mile plus hike around Lake Estes, but I did let her get lunch in the middle of the hike.


  1. So beautiful! Glad you have a chance to experience it all!!

  2. Spent several days in Estes a few years back. Loved it. I could actually live there. Have fun you two and don't feed the bears!!

  3. Looks great! Living vicariously through you two. Ciao
