Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Arizona -Prescott, Lake Pleasant, Peoria, Sondra's family

Supper at a hamburger "joint" with some of Alaska caravan gang. Great to see Greg, Linda, Ky, and Susan. And of course, Terri

Lake Pleasant - Wild Burro Trail hike

So, hadn't seen my best friend from 3rd grade through high school for forever, and when I went to stay with her and her husband for a few days, look where she took me! Had a great visit with Joan

Sondra's niece and family we had lunch with.  What a lovely family.  What fun we had.  Miss playing the game with you Jaxon.
We had to say goodbye to Terri and leave her in Phoenix.  We are really going to miss her.  Had some great times.  She has promised to come to Florida this winter.
More of our Alaska caravan friends, Richard and Liz. They fixed a feast for us when we were in Prescott. Richard even made the cookies for dessert!
Well, can you tell we have been having a great time visiting with old and new friends, and family?  Great time in Arizona.  If you haven't been to Lake Pleasant, you should go.  Great time in Prescott seeing friends, and doing some hiking.  Thankful Terri and Sondra made it, there were some questions about that on the Thumb Butte hike.  Then off to Lake Pleasant, where I got to visit with a friend that never ages, Joan,  Wow, we have know each other for over 50 years closer to 60, How scary is that! Wonderful to see more Alaska friends there as well. Went to Kartchner Caverns before leaving Arizona.  Now making our way through Texas.  Sorry, any Texans, but a whole lot of nothing so far.  We are going to spend a few days in San Antonio, and then depending on the weather, Galveston. Then through Louisiana and Mississippi, with a short stop for Sondra to hit the casinos.  Then home to Florida.  What a trip this has been.  Gone for seven months almost!  We have seen much, haven't killed each other, although thought we might a few times. We will be home for Thanksgiving to spend it with our families, whom we both miss, and to truly celebrate all we have to be thankful for which is much.  But mostly that our blessed Savior has been with us all the way, and we have felt his protection.  See you Florida friends soon.

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