Sunday, June 7, 2015

South Dakota

So we were in South Dakota for a few days without phone service, internet or TV. That was all ok, but it was also cold and rainy.  We finished hiking in Rocky National Park and then went to South Dakota passing through Wyoming. We learned two interesting facts about Wyoming. First, it has the fewest people of any other state, and second, it produces about 40% of the coal in the United States.  Then we went to Wind Cave National Park in South Dakota. Has anyone ever heard of this National Park? We had not, but it was pretty awesome.  The cave is one of the biggest, if not the biggest in the world, with over 130 miles of caves paths. We had a great tour. It was the seventh National Park, and I bet most people never heard of it.  You must visit if you are anywhere near South Dakota or Wyoming. Then we went to Badlands National Park. It is also very cool. Both of places you would not see every day. I am so thankful that our forefathers thought to preserve some of these places for future generations to enjoy. Once again, we see God's handiwork all around us. We serve an awesome God who can make beauty out of anything. The first couple pictures are of a cute church we found in Colorado built upon a rock. That is what all of us have as a foundation. The rock of Jesus Christ.


  1. Beautiful! Love the church built on the rock. I visited Mammoth Cave in Kentucky a few times. The tour guide told us that It was the longest known cave system in the world (almost 400 miles of explored passages with no end in sight). I was amazing to see. Never visited a cave I didn't like! Put it on your list of things to see on your way back.

  2. Love the pictures!! Sonnie you are looking so good, I'm jealous but I love you anyway. I loved Wyoming when we lived there. Didn't want to leave but you know that story. When you were in Missouri did you by any chance get to go to Meramac Caverns? Then there was the cave at Silver Dollar City, have you made it there yet? Continue to have a good time and be safe and keep the pictures coming.

  3. So enjoying your trip right along with you!! I have wonderful memories of out west!! Miss you!! To
