Friday, June 19, 2015

WATERTON, Alberta Canada

We have been here for a few days. Now that we are in Canada, MA has no cell phone, Sondra has a little, and we are at the mercy of whatever park we are parked in for internet. This one is slow to non-existent, depending on what time of day it is. This is Sondra's favorite park. For those of you that are not familiar with it, Waterton is the Canadian side of Glacier National Park in Montana. We were here last year, and she couldn't wait to get back.  We have done some hiking and seen some wildlife. Sondra's thrill was watching a fox catch a ground squirrel and watching it die. I could not watch that. Sondra did make it up a hike that she only could climb halfway last year, so she is doing great on the hikes. I have been getting as much walking and hiking in as possible. It is still quite cool, I know those of you in Florida would like some of this weather, but quite frankly, I would like a little warmer weather now. Sondra took a lot of pictures but mostly of the scenery. Unfortunately, I have not been able to download most of them, and not any with either one of us in them. The first picture is one of the many beautiful waterfalls we made it to and the second is Red Rock Canyon. The pictures can not do the scenery justice. We continue to marvel at the beauty of this earth. When God said "it is good" at creation, he certainly must have been talking about some of the sights we have seen.


  1. I wanna be there! The fox and squirrel sounds interesting...nature of the cycle of life. Yes, send some cooler weather. Still living vicariously through you. Goes to show we can survive without cell phone and internet access every hour of every day! You guys behave! Ciao

  2. We are really enjoying the pictures and updates keep them coming, it actually has Nancy considering traveling by RV when we retire!!

  3. I've always said a person cannot even imagine what a wonderful world we have until you get out and experience it. I have experienced some of it but not as much as I would like. It surprises me that Sonnie could watch the fox kill and eat his dinner but in real life, it's survival of the fittest and fox ran faster. Continue to have a good time and be safe. Love you.

  4. Love the photos! You must be about ready for your Alaska adventure! Miss you!
